Photo booths
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Photo Booths
MixUp photo booth
Mini iPad photo booth
Stand for printer
360 photo booth
Bullet time
Triangle light 2.0
360 photo booth
Little planet
Unique hardware and software for you events
GlamBot robotic arm
MixUp photo booth
MixUp Mini iPad photo booth
Stand for printer
360 photo booth
Bullet Time photo booth
Triangle light 2.0 for 360 booth
MixUp photo booth software
Little planet software
360 photo booth software
Unique hardware and software for your events
Unique hardware and software for your events
Case for printer and a sharing station
It's perfect for our MixUp photo booth, but can be used with any.
Fits DNP DS620
Mitsubishi CP-K60DW
Mitsubishi CP-D70DW
Mitsubishi CP-D80DW
Assembly in 3 minutes
Even 1 person can assemble our stand in just a few minutes.
No special tools needed.
In the style of your event
Even in a completely dark room at a party it will be impossible not to notice you
More attention means more orders
And extensive color customization options will also help you be in the colors of different brands
Black or white
All cables are hidden inside.
You'll never see the bunch of cables again.
Size of the printer case
All sizes are in mm.
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